And now the explaining of the concept art, and cue lethargy setting in....
This is basically my solider, captain and general, in that order. Undead army, yadi yada yada....
This is not an online journal. This is not my place of lamentations or rants. What this is, is an exhibition of my work, and it will be my online portfolio.
This shall be, by far, the LONGEST comment I've posted, and that's saying a lot.
ReplyDeleteSo I shall start of with my favourite of the lot.
As I've told you, my fave is the middle one, the captain. Sure, there are several points that make me go o_O but it is overall, my fave, for several reasons. Following which is the General, and finally, the soldier. Each has their own reasons, and I shall list them by body parts.
This is what clinched the Captain as my favourite. From the smirk (grin?) to the headgear to the skeletal appearance, everything screams superior evil and 'you better start running'. Hence, my favourite.
The General's head looks... like an alien. The mask seems to be wrapped around the skull, which is elongated in rather... outlandish proportions (but I guess you can't be picky in death). Unlike the Captain, he doesn't look evil, more demented. The fact that you designed his eye to look like the Horus' symbol is a bonus though.
Finally, the Soldier. Well, this one... how do I put it. He's the least pleasant one (on the eyes) simply due to the fact that I cannot tell if he's pulling the skin from the back of his head off, or if he had stuck himself with his weapon. Furthermore, the eyehole (without the eye) doesn't look very convincing... and his skull is a bit too round to have been 'chipped', even though it is clearly chipped. Needs lots of work on this one yet.
Body (torso, hands, legs):
You know... 'well defined torso' could probably be used to describe the captain. I couldn't help but wonder if he's filled with maggots or rotting flesh or both. The hands are rather well done, though, the left one seems a bit... feminine. Just looking at the left hand... makes me want to touch the hand to see if it's as soft as it looks. (Trust me, I know how creepy that sounded) The feet are rather artistically malformed. Though, perhaps it might be better if the legs were slightly less muscled? Especially the right leg. It looks to me as if it's a potential polio foot, but the leg contradicts that by being very well-formed. Other than being overly robust, the Captain's pretty much set to go.
Compared to the Captain, the General looks more fitting in terms of an undead... thing. The prominent bones could perhaps be improved by a 'skin stretched over bones' effect? Around the collarbones, especially. The rib cage is a nice plus, though it seems a bit too flat, as if you've drawn the body then decided to add in the rib cages at last moment. But other than that, it's alright. The legs are perhaps even MORE well formed than the Captain's, but hey, not all dead guys have icky feet, right?
Perhaps to make up for the head? I find that the Soldier's body is the most well-drawn among the three. The lack of meat and muscles in the arms and legs, as well as the significantly smaller middle, that seem to have shrunk quite a bit right under the chest area, makes it more pronounced that, yes, they are dead, and dead = shrunk flesh/rotting flesh, skin-over-bones or no-skin-at-all. The slightly thinner leg once again reminds me of polio, though it is still rather well formed, it is a marked improvement from the Captain. Overall, the Soldier has the best of all three in terms of overall body structure.
Clothing (Clothes, weapons, accessories):
The coif is a nice touch, though, the overall effect it gives the Captain (in my opinion), is a somewhat Phantom of the Opera feel... maybe it's due to the skeletal look that makes it look like a mask. There isn't much I have to comment on the clothing in general as it all seems to fit pretty well (if a bit well made, do they get new clothing after they are dug out? I assume they do, else the ones they are buried with ought to be torn and in tatters...). The weapon is rather plain in design, however, it is a rather nice change from the usual swords, cutlass, etc. I'm guessing that it is supposed to be symmetrical, unfortunately, the curved parts aren't. But that may be just me being nitpicky. Overall, it's an okay assemble.
Honestly speaking, when I saw that red shawl thing (cape?), it reminded me of Sparta. The medallion is a nice touch. It occurred to me that it ought to have a small design in the middle, maybe not another eye, but perhaps a sun? It seems too plain, but its presence gives an overall feel, being that the General is more of a brains-person and not a fighter. The scythe is by far, my favourite weapon out of the three. The crooked handle as opposed to the usually straight ones is a bonus, though the blade seems a little unbalance, it is, by far, the most well done of the three.
Considering his attire has the least 'additional' stuff on it, I guess it sort of suits, since his ranking is the lowest, no need to spend so much on the fodder, yes? The shield seems a tad bit too small, though I guess quality is what matters? It also gives the impression that the Soldier is a more hands-on character, that would need a shield to protect him from various and multitude of assault. The sword on the other hand... While I understand that you want the blade to end just there, it's perhaps better to either shift his arm further up so that the blade extends past his head, or shift the arm down so that it'll end before the head. Due to the similar 'grey' tone (I know, one's darker, one's lighter, but it's still grey), it's hard to tell if he stuck himself with the sword or if he hides weapons in his body to be used at will. Either way, it is a rather... mind-boggling concept.
Overall, I would say, it's a job well done, but there is room for improvement. I'm not too sure if it's just me... but the characters seem taller as their ranking grows. Hmmm... Coincidence or subliminal message?
P/S: Damn, that was long...
If u need to animate them suggest they hv 'stumbling gait' as they r undead. And they should not be so well coordinate as living things