This would be the concept art for my monster dubbed Muraenid. The creature I picked out of the black box was an eel. And the stats that I rolled for it were 6 for strength, 1 for speed and 4 for intelligence.
As the lecturers had already pointed out, it is out of proportion, and that huge bit of shoulder there is too empty. I will do changes later on, but that's that for now. Note that all the work that I post up here were actual submissions for my assignments.
First, I'd like to point out that the tail may need a bit of work, it's... well, it looks like a land-bound creature tried to wear a large rubber tube and... (okay, the not so innocent pictures are coming) well, you get the point.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's the underbelly part...
The large space on the shoulder, I understand that you want them to be cloth-less, perhaps a tattoo would be good? A tribal design, maybe different designs signify different things? Ranks? Lineage? Etc?
The staff could also use a bit of work, since, compared to its wielder, the staff looks really, really minute. One would probably wonder if the wielder actually needs the staff. (OMGMUSCLES-blind-) The six pack abs are... a bit too long, in my opinion. I don't think it's possible to have such an elongated ab... But then again, I'm only familiar with human anatomy. :)
I think my favourite part is the head. It looks... savage. <3 And I like it. <3 Yes, I'm just weird that way.
Eels - think electric, y not hv a 'lightning conductor thing in the tail to shoot lightning bolts or somethin'?