And now the moment you've (non-existent as you are) all been waiting for. my 3D final! Now. I did two versions. One was finished a week before the presentation. Then after submission, our lecturer started asking us whether WE were satisfied with our own work. That instantly put me into 'unhappy, must redo' mode. So I more or less kept the original structure but changed the design and look of the vehicle.
The assignment is for a multi-purpose military vehicle. The first version needs one man to operate it, whilst the second can be operated from base using computers and AI. The obvious inspiration for the look of the vehicles is a spider. And so I named them Archanid. Not very imaginative I know. Both versions are scouting vehicles, so they are lightweight and agile. The guns are there for them to distract the enemy while they make their escapse or for them to go down fighting if they didn't manage to flee.
I will post up the 2nd version in the next post. Blogger doesn't seem to allow me to have two pictures in one post.
Actually, the design reminds me of that baby doll head toy from Toy Story.
Honestly speaking, the legs don't look like they could support the head, mostly because they're too close to the body. It seems more likely if the legs were further away, like on a real spider? The legs are a wide V shape from the body, not 90 degrees.
By the way, why is there a red checkered cloth thing on the 'face'?
I like the guns though... they look really cute.